Summer Promotion Winners Announced
01 Mar
We are pleased to announce that the winners of our three luxury holidays to Rarotonga are Robyn Hill from Dunedin, Hannah Godfrey from Auckland, and Marc and Amanda Woodbury from Wellington. In conjunction with our amazing promotion partners Sea Change Villas Rarotonga and Cook Islands Tourism, we are sure they will have a trip of a lifetime.
Here’s what they had to say upon winning;
“This is such an amazing treat; to win an island holiday in super luxurious surroundings is my idea of paradise. I am taking a dear friend from Australia with me – she arrives next Thursday and we fly to Rarotonga on Friday. We both feel very, very fortunate, and can’t thank Jen and her company enough for setting up this superb opportunity.” Robyn Hill
“Hearing that I had won the trip absolutely floored me! I’ve never won anything as decadent as this trip before, and the timing was uncanny. I’d had a particularly tough time personally just after Xmas and to hear that I had won put a smile on my dial for weeks afterwards! My friends all drink Haha wine and a few had been entering that same competition religiously, so they are very jealous of me and my impending trip. I can’t wait.” Hannah Godfrey
“Both Marc and I were completely over the moon (and celebrated with a bottle of Haha bubbles!!) This trip is very very special for us as we never had a honeymoon (married 18 years now). This really will be our long awaited and very luxurious honeymoon as we would never have dreamt of going somewhere like Sea Change Villas.” Amanda Woodbury